Data Hygiene Solutions

data hygiene

Businesses Are Facing Data Challenges Like Never Before

More than 44 million consumers and businesses move each year; 30% of CRM data is inaccurate or incomplete; 50 million phone numbers change annually… you get the point. Our automated data hygiene solutions make it easy to stay on top of changes.

Affordable Data Hygiene Solutions That Lets You Stay Ahead Of The Curve

IMDataCenter’s on-demand platform offers a variety of real-time data hygiene solutions to ensure that your customer and prospect data is completely clean and accurate. We offer the necessary tools to stay on top of all the challenges facing marketers in today’s consumer and business data world. Let us provide you with a competitive advantage by accessing the most comprehensive and accurate databases and solutions to update, enhance, and cleanse all of your CRM data for mail, phone, email, and digital marketing.


We’ve Helped 1,000s Of Businesses Save Time & Money

Now it’s your turn. Let IMDataCenter’s Data Hygiene solutions update and enhance your customer and prospect files in real-time so that you are able to maximize your mail, phone, email, and digital marketing. Try it for free now!

Here’s A Closer Look At A Few Of Our Data Hygiene Solutions



• 0-18 month and 19-48 month moves; low-cost address hygiene services

• Competitive pricing

• Free assessment of your current data, breaking out 18 months vs. 4 years; Estimated match rates with no obligation

Data Hygiene Page PCOA Icon Large


• Pick up most moves who don’t fill out a change of address card with the Post Office — estimated at a staggering 20% of people per year

• Typically double the number of moves from NCOA

• Verifies names at addresses

• Dashboard / AutoFTP processing includes deceased flag

Data Hygiene 360

Data Hygiene 360

Let us turn your current data into a revenue enhancement asset that creates longer lifetime value. We will address update/verify and clean all relevant data for your organization by providing all of the following solutions: NCOA, PCOA, Consumer Landline and Wireless Append, Disconnect Phone Removal, Email Verification & Append, Deceased Processing, and Business Phone Append.



• Lower your cost per acquisition by reaching out to customers or prospects who are experiencing a relevant life event

• Marketers see a 5-10X lift in response on these events

• An estimated 3-5% of your data will experience some type of a life event trigger every month


Our data, compiled from multiple sources, not only provides you with greater data coverage and accuracy for all data and demographics, but for digital marketing as well. We have access to all online and offline data that, when matched together with the right offer, ensures better targeting on digital platforms.


Our easy-to-use platform puts you in control and provides super-fast turnaround for all data hygiene solutions — irregardless of file size. To make your life easier, within the platform we provide several ways to access IMDataCenter’s real-time solutions such as manual upload, FTP, or API.


Data Hygiene Benefits

Increase Opportunties & Revenue
By improving the efficiency of customer acquisition programs — more accurate and better insights means more customers!
Improve Business Decision Making
By facilitating better decision making through data hygiene — which can support better analytics as well as all-round business intelligence.
Reduce Cost Per Acquisition
By blending in event driven marketing to acquire new customers — reducing reliance on expensive lead programs from outside vendors.
Increase Your Business Valuation
By having well structured, updated, and accurate data — which will help get you the multiples you are looking for upon a sale or merger.
PCOA Case Study Image

Proprietary Change Of Address (PCOA) Solutions

A large insurance agency (the Client) had been doing direct mail for years, but was looking for a better response due to inconsistencies in results. The agency sends a large volume of mailers each month to consumers and was having their printer manually coordinate NCOA (National Change of Address) on all the data.
By utilizing IMDataCenter’s proprietary change of address solution, the Platform was able to isolate thousands of mail pieces that were not getting delivered to the proper address. The Platform was also able to automatically pick up all the consumers in the data that did not fill out a change of address form with the Post Office.
The Client realized not only a savings of approximately $1,000 per mailing, but also saw an increased response in their marketing campaigns up to 13%. The results have led to multiple other agencies taking advantage of this enhancement process.

Try Our Data Hygiene Solutions For Free!

Stop wasting time, money, and resources on outdated append and enhancement techniques, and start enjoying the benefits of affordable automation by putting our platform to work for you. Sign up for a free account now (no credit card required), or contact us to learn more. Be sure to check out our other services: email appendingphone appending, and CIMA

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Data Hygiene Solutions

Data hygiene is the processes conducted to ensure the cleanliness of data. Data is considered clean if it is relatively error-free. Bad or “Dirty Data” can be caused by a number of factors including duplicate records, incomplete or outdated data, and the improper parsing of record fields from disparate systems. Errors can be introduced at any stage as data is entered, stored and managed. Industry analysts say 30% of data will be “dirty” or go bad over the course of a year if there is no data hygiene performed on a company’s CRM or database.

The goal of our API Web Service is to expedite your data processing into mere (sub)seconds (on an individual level) that can be integrated into your own database environments for multiple value-added applications. Our instructional/sample code can be found at:

These API Web Services control external access, security, as well as both receiving and return requests/results to the client. The five forward request types available via the API Web Service are detailed below.

The Request will contain the access authorization (x-api-key in header), the type of request, the client id, and additional parameters specific to the request type. Each Request can contain multiple Request Types which are listed below in priority. Each Record should contain the data on a single individual or business to be processed. The elements of the Record vary as required by the request type.

Forward Append Request Types:

  1. PCOA: Proprietary Change of Address
  2. NCOA: National Change of Address
  3. FP: Forward Phone Append
  4. FE: Forward Email Append

Reverse Append Request Types:

  1. Reverse Phone Append
  2. Reverse Email Append

The append solutions are described in further detail in the Email & Phone Data Append + Other Data Services FAQ section below.

Yes! IMDataCenter makes all of this data and more available for purchase for digital marketing, telemarketing, direct mail, and email.

Our Proprietary Change Of Address (PCOA) processing includes everything the 48-month NCOA provides PLUS all of the following:

  • Picks up people who have not registered for change of address through the US Postal Service (about 20% of all movers every year)
  • Picks up people who have moved for up to the last 30 years
  • Confirms the person input lives at the current address (NCOA only picks them up if they have moved)
  • Includes deceased processing as well as flags people who have signed up for the Do-Not-Mail list

Our data library is compiled from multiple online and offline sources with hundreds of verifiable public and proprietary sources, and includes the attributes and types listed below (and more). Here are some quick data facts:

  • 260 million individuals
  • 130 million households
  • 600 million emails
  • 550 million phones with over 230 million wireless numbers
  • 153 million property records and 208 million deeds
  • 75 million homeowners
  • 1 million movers monthly
  • 180 auto owners
  • 14 million businesses
  • 600 million emails
  • 550 million phones with over 230 million wireless numbers
  • Mobile Advertising IDs (MAIDs)
    • 2.3+ billion MAID/hashed email pairs
    • 400+ million unique MAIDS
    • IDFA and AAID device data, confidence score matched with identity
  • Demographics
  • Financial indicators and status
  • Lifestyle and interest
  • Asset ownership including home(s), business(es) and vehicle(s)
  • Telephone connects and disconnects
  • Real estate transactions
  • And much more!

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3333 Renaissance Blvd. #224
Bonita Springs, FL 34134

(800) 531-2601

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